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The Maths Trail

The Maths Trial was devised by a group of Mums and teaching Assistants from the school. Over a series of meetings and workshops they devised a splendid outdoor maths quiz. The children are able to experience a maths lesson which is not only great fun but really tests their problem solving abilities. There are well over a dozen different mathematical problems dotted around the exterior of the school and in the quad. The children can work their way round the trail in groups attempting to solve problems such as:

Use bamboo sticks to show a given time,

measure the circumference of a tree,

Make a given number on the hopscotch, do a sum on the number snake,

estimate which of 5 cups holds the most water and check,

count the marked branches on the tree and .......

measure the distance between the cones with a 'metre trundle wheel'.


Click here to see the full list of Year One / Two Maths trail activities.

Click here to see the full list of Reception Maths trail activities.