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150 Years Celebration

On Tuesday 10th September, 2002, Pennington Church of England Junior School proudly celebrated its 150th Anniversary.

Children and staff were invited to dress in Victorian style clothes to create a suitable atmosphere for the days celebrations. The day began with a Victorian style assembly lead by Rev. Paul Renyard the vicar of St Marks and Chair of the School Governors.

Year 3 and 4 children visited the old school building, now Kidners auction rooms, and were spoken to by past teachers and pupils who remembered when the building was still in use as a school. Meanwhile Year 5 and 6 children had Victorian style lessons in the current school hall.

All the children attended a Thanks-Giving service at St Mark's Church. The Lord Bishop of Winchester, Rt. Revd. M. Scott-Joynt gave the Address. The Mayor of Lymington and Pennington, Cllr. Mrs. J. Vernon-Jackson also attended along with many past pupils and staff. Following the service the Bishop and invited guests joined the children for a Victorian style lunch.

Many more activities took place in the afternnoon, such as victorian style PE lessons and a talk by Mark Tomlinson of St Barbes Museum in Lymington.

All former pupils who attended both the old and new schools were invited to a celebration tea in the school hall. This was a wonderful opportunity to share memories.

The day was a great success and enjoyed by both pupils and guests.

Click on the picture to view more pictures from the day.

Link to anniversary pictures

To help the children find out more about what it was like at Pennington Junior school, we looked at some log book extracts from as far back as 1868.

1868 - (the first entry - written by William Lambert, the vicar of Pennington who helped start the school) 10th November: Mr Baker has only been in charge of this school for two or three months. The children answer creditably in Scripture, read and write very fairly and are making progess in arithmetic although that of standards 2 and 4 is not yet up to the standard required by the Revised Code. Improvements will I doubt not be made in it under Mr. Baker's direction. The infants are taught simple lessons and the needlework is good.

1881 24th June - Charles Cooper returned after six weeks absence - taking care of turkeys for Mr Withey. A little girl named Kate Wheeler has however been kept form school that her mother might look after the turkeys.

1933 (6th March) - Today a Danish boy has been admitted to the school. He is seven and a half years old, and knows no English. The number on roll is now 115. On April 1st the numbers will probably be not less than 127 and with 17 more Council Houses now being built, it is likely the numbers will further increase; the correspondent is therefore communicating with the County Education Officer to ask if he will consider increasing the school staff, which was reduced 15 months ago, the numbers then being104.

1954 - The headteacher accompanied Mrs Croutear to the hospital at 10:55 am. She slipped and damaged her arm while taking her class to the W.I Hall. A break and dislocation is suspected. Mrs Cruse has been sent for to do supply teaching.

1970 - 9th November: Today I took the new school building over from the builders

School today

Before the event some of the children thought about what it was like at Pennington Junior School today. These were read out in the service and shared with past pupils.

Year 3 - Nowadays at school we work and play on computers. We use pencils and pens to do our work. we have adventure playgrounds to play on and we sometimes play tennis. In some lessons we watch the television and in maths we use calculators. The radiators keep us warm in winter and blinds keep the sun out of our eyes.

Year 4- In school today we do some of our work on photocopied sheets. We also use workbooks and have pencil cases. The school also has carpets and colourful displays on all the walls. Having electricity means we can use machines like computers, laminators and book scanners. We also have lights in every room. The car park is full of the teacher's cars. Our unifrom in school today is sweatshirts. polo shirts and the girls wear shorter dresses and skirts.

Year 5 - I like school because we have really nice uniforms with a logo. When we go out to play we have bread rolls and fruit we can buy. We need a keyring to get the equipment out of the gameshop to play with at breaktime. Our classrooms are colourful and bright. We have got a whiteboard that is really helpful. The instruments we have are used for music lessons. We do PE which is really fun because we sometimes dance around to music in the hall. Our classroom walls have bright pictures on. When it is wet play we can read books or do some other things. We go to our other classes for maths and English. On sports day we get into our colour groups and do races and see whose colour team wins. Our school unifrom is navy blue and we have black shoes. We have white polo tops. In lessons we sometimes stay in the same class. At playtime upper school are on a different playground to the lower school. We sometimes go onto the internet on the schools computer. By Jade Lloyd

Year 6 - In schools there are often lots of facilities, especially in Britain, lots of different lessons are included. ICT facilities are good and a lot of fun, there are usually about 2 or 3 people to a computer, most of these have the Internet. Classrooms are bright and colourful with numerous displays and activities, tables are laid out in small groups. Each pupil has their own tray, there is also space in the cloakroom for a PE bag and rucksack. Children are expected to provide themselves with basic stationary. Teachers demonstrate using a white boards or flip chart. There is also lots of PE equipment which children have lots of enjoyments from, pupils are taught outdoor sports, gym and swimming. A school day is 6 and a half hours long, with a lunch break and morning break. Some schools have an afternoon break, there is lots of fun activities to do during this time. Pupils have six weeks holiday in the summer, there is also holiday in the Autumn, Christmas, February, Easter and May. There's a uniform in most schools in England, uniforms are comfortable and helps to make you feel you belong. Schools are quite fun there is also homework and projects to do in the holidays. By Claire Gunstone


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